Letter from JOHN NORTON POMEROY to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated February 1, 1872.

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Burlington; 1st. Feb, 1872.

Hon. George P. Marsh, Florence, Italy.

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My dear Sir, I wrote you last on the 10 March-71, (it appears on my copy book, wrongfully, as 1870). I had then made a contract with Harrington & and Taplin for the Statue, complete & placed on the monument. After making several attempts, at a Model, they failed to satisfy me--and themselves too. They relinquished the contract, and I need not trouble you with a detail of my efforts in Boston, New York and elsewhere to obtain a model--if the artists made the model they must make the Statue, and the lowest price for that was $5.000! Being in New York in the fall, I went into the monumental marble shop of Messrs Casoni & Isola, on Broadway, (you may recollect it) and found them ready to undertake the whole job at a moderate price ending in $2000-- they limiting the amount of the expense of tackle and machinery for raising the Statue to $150.--the excess to be paid by us. The work is to be done after a model made here,in Massa-Carrara, Italy. the material is to be "the best Carrara Italian monumental marble" to be "executed in the best class manner and to stand eight feet (8 ft.) when finished"--the job to be completed by the 1st of Jan 1873.

The model (4 feet in height) has already been embarked, which I regret as I intended to have had an alteration made in the countenance & expression, which does not suit me, tho' I am recorded as having approved, and I am determined to have changed even now, with your approval. Being but about three hours ride on the cart from Massa-Carrara, as I understand you are, I hope you may condescend to visit that place on the arrival of the model and, if you coincide with me, request the artist to defer the cutting of the head until they hear from Casoni & Isola, here and ascertain what it will cost to make a new model, after a design furnished, of the direction and expression of the countenance. I requested Messrs C. & I to write to their firm in Italy to acquaint you

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of the arrival of the Model, but fearing that they have neglected or may neglect to I beg you will make such request, addressing "Messrs Casoni & Isola, Massa-Carrara, Italy." I hope our funds will be equal to responding for the expense of the trip, at least. Now, my friend, I am sorry to trouble you in this way, about small matters, but I hope to make a final and successful effort to close this project, which has been troublesome to you and cruel to me.

Please write me as soon as you can, or as your eyes will permit. When I shall have come to some conclusive arrangement with Messrs C. & I. as to the alteration of the model, I shall write you again. I shall not be content until that change is effected. The Statue will, at a distance, be a beautiful object but, without alteration will be a just subject of criticism. I send you a photography, which was the guide for the model, but in the part alluded to before, was not carried out. While, if I could, I would substitute an entirely new countenance and expression, I would be content with a true copy of this which I am sure the artist there could easily make.

We are having a mild winter--very little snow--lake frozen the 8 inst. good crossing. As I sit writing by my west window in full view of Old White Face, the sun shines in to my discomfort.

My wife, who left me this morning with Mrs. Hny Brookes for New York, would if present join me in our most kind & respectful regards to yourself & M Marsh.

Yours very trulyJohn N Pomeroy

References in this letter:

Ira P. Harrington owned the "Harrington Quarry" in Barre, Vermont. It was one of two quarries that supplied granite for the Vermont State House.

The lawyer, John Norton Pomeroy, (1792-1881) was a lawyer and prominent resident of Burlington, Vermont. He held several position in Vermont state government and was named chairman of the Statuary Committee to oversee the construction of the monument placed over the grave of Ethan Allen in Green Mount Cemetery in Burlington.

