Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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[Poem] Battle of Cedar Creek,October 19, 1864....

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Camp Battalion 6th Vt. Vols Bucksville Sta. Va April 16th 1865 Dear Sister

As I have a few moments leisure I will pass them in writing a few lines to you my dear sister We have been very buisy for a week or two past and we have also accomplished in that time what we have been trying to do for the last four years and that is the capture of Richmond and the destruction of Lees Army I will now give you a short description of that affair. On the 1st day of April at about 10. P.M. the canonading commenced all along our lines. I was just getting ready for bed when the ball opened and so I went out and watched the canonading and in a short time we had orders to fall in which we did and [mar]ched out to support the

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picket line and had been out there but a few moments when we were sent back to camp and from there we moved to the left and out side of our works and formed close up to our picket line and lay there untill near day light. While lying there the pickets commenced firing and the bullets passed close to us but over us we were lying flat on the ground I knew all the while that we were to charge the rebs works at day break and supposed that fully half if not more would be killed or wounded but when the signal came our brigade which led the charge sprang up and rushed through ravines over stumps through mud and water for a distance of a good half mile and over the works we went driving everything before us and most wonderfull of all with only a slight loss. After gaining the works and

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the rest of the Corps coming up and forming again we made another charge sweeping down along their lines for nearly five miles when we were releaved by a part of the 25th Corps and marched back to the rear of Petersburg and before night our scurmishers were within a half mile of the City when tiard out with our days work we lay down and rested untill morning and when the day broke on the 3rd our scurmishers advanced into the City and found it evacuated The Scurmish line of our Brigade was the furst to enter the City from our front. We waited not long but started in persuit of Lee but our Brigade or Div. did not have a chance to do any more fighting but the other troops in the Corps had a sharp fight a few days after but were victorious before we got on to the field. I We had no more to do but to march and counter march for our brigade was left a Farmville to guard the place

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and our trains for a few days and while there Lee surrendered and so we waited for the Army to return and then came with them to this place. We arrived here last Thursday and expect to remain here for a few days I am well as usual and hope to be able to come home now in a few months. Give my love to all the folks at home and also Give Carrie a kiss for me

As ever your Affectionate brother L. S. Williams
Capt. Co. “I.” 6th Vt. Vols.
Washington D.C.

