Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp Battalion 6th Vt. Vols. March 21st 1865 Dear Sister

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Your last letter came to hand in due time and I now take my pen in hand to answer it. I do not need to tell you that I was very glad to get it for you know that I was and that I always am very glad to get a letter from my dear sister I am well as usual and to-day am on duty as Brigade Officer of the Day. Yesterday Spring commenced and a beautifull day it was to I tell you and as warm as summer in Vt. To-day it is raining a little so it is not quite so pleasant I suppose that you have a plenty of new Maple sugar by this time in Vt well I would like a little so when you get a chance please send me a gob on a chip and I will be much obliged to you and will not forget it. Yesterday I had nearly a clean shave and now

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all the hair I have on my face is on my upper lip and it makes me loocks so odd that I do not beleave you would know me if you should see me and I feel as odd as I loock. Every thing is quiet in these parts now a days but we are ready for a move or a fight in a moments notice whenever the rebels see fit to attact us or to retreat. Lee cannot leave Richmond without having Grant close on his heels. I do not think that we shall have any fighting untill Sherman get within supporting distance at least and then you may loock for glorious news. I received a letter from one of my boys Sergt J. C. Swan last night. He has been a prisoner untill a few weeks and he says that the reports of the treatment of our prisoners by the rebels are to true and he must have suffered a good deal during the four months he was in their hands. He got back alive and that was about all The boys in the Co are all well as usual Recruits commence to come in now and I received four in my company in a day or

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two past I hope that they will continue to come untill the old Brigade is again filled up. The more men we have the sooner the war will end and the sooner the war ends the sooner the better it will please me for I am ancious to get home once more to my loved ones. I have not time to write much at present as I have got to go and visit my guards and see that every thing is in good shape hoping to hear from you again soon I will close Remember me to all the folks at home a give Carrie a kiss for me. Good bye.

Your Affictionate Brother L. S. Williams
Capt. Co. “I.” 6th Vt. Vols.

