Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Battallion 6th Vt. Vols. In front of Petersburg Va Dec 25th 1864Dear Sister

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Your letter of the 19th came safely to hand this morning and so I concider it as my Christmas Present and now I will try and answer it I am well as usual excepting a hard cold and a disagreeable headache which you know is not pleasant, but I am feeling well and how can I help it when we are continualy hearing such good news from our Armys. The prospect of a speedy end of the war and thorough crushing out of the rebellion is growing brighter and brighter every day and I hope to be able to be at home by another Christmas for good. Such are my hopes and I think that they are not without foundat ion. Yesterday we received news of the fall of Savanah and the capture of 15,000

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prisoners and also of the continued success of Gen Thomas also of Gen. Butler and Adm Porter as before Wilmington N.C. and that they had taken Ft Fisher one of the strongest works. All this was obtaned from rebel sources and I presume to be true Yesterday morning I was so fortunate as to receive from His Excalency the Governor of Vermont a Commission as Capt in Co “I” 6thVt. Vols. and was mustered yesterday P.M. as Capt. so in future you may direct your letters to Capt L.S. Williams insted of Lt. It was as good as a Christmas present was it not if it did come the day before. Well I must say that I do feel a little proud of my commission and for this reason It was not obtained by the means of influen cial friends but I think that I have particularly earned it in the field fighting for my Country for for that reason I prize it so highly. I saw Ray a few moments yesterd ay and he is as well as usual and enjoying himself as well as ever or appears to at least. Some of the officers

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in the regiment are very anxious for me to send for some more of those kid gloves so please send me five prs more if you can as soon as convenient and I will settle for them when I get home Four prs want to be the same as those last and one pr about one size larger and one smaller say No. 6. I am glad that your school is so pleasant this winter and I would like to see your paper very much indeed I suppose that you have been to Church this pleasant Sabbath and that about now 3. P.M. you are eating your Christmas dinner I wish that myself and wife were thare with you. I do not think that I shall be at home before the 20th or 25th of Jan. but hope to be there then. I will not write much more at this time My love to all the folks a doz. kisses for Carrie.

As ever your loving brother L. S. Williams
Capt. Co. “I.” 6th Vt. Vols.

