Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Battallion 6th Vt. Vol. Inft. Near Petersburg Va Dec. 16th 1864 Dear Sister

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I received a letter from you three days ago and one last night and I was very glad to get them as I always am and now I am going to try and answer them and let you know how we are situated and how we came here To commence we left our camps at Winchester Va one week ago this morning and marched to the station and toock the cars for Washin gton. We did not get started untill late in the P.M. and the weather was pretty cold and a good many of the boys had to ride on the top of the cars and on open ones and as we had a quite a snow storm they suffered a conciderably Well we arrived in Washington Saturday P.M. and went from the cars right aboard of Transports and started on our way

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for City Point where we arrived Monday A.M. and landed and again toock the cars and started for the front and left of the line. When we got as far as we could go on the cars we stoped and camped for the night and the next morning we came here and releaved a portion of the 2nd Corps who were here and as soon as they moved out of their log houses we moved in and now we are as comfortable as you please. I have got me a nice log house and am as comfortable as you please. We are close to the rebels and our pickets are within speaking distance of the reb. pickets but they are quite naborly and do not fire at each other so that all is quiet in our immediate front and I trust that it will remain so for a good while to come for picket firing is usless and very disagreeable to boath sides and does not ammount to any thing in the end. I received the four pair of kid gloves and one pr. buck three days ago and in all I have received 5 prs. kid and two of buck gloves

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and they all suited and if I had had a dozen pairs more I could have disposed of them. I had a letter from Nathan a day or two since and was glad to hear from him He is well as usual but says that he has to work pretty hard to mak it pay well it will do him good. I also had a letter from James Fletcher. He is in Waverly Iowa and expects to stay there for a time I am glad that you like your school so well and I hope that you will have a pleasant term of it. You wanted me to come home by Chrismas or New Years but I do not think that I shall be able to come before the last of January at least but I shall come as soon as I can and stay as long as I can you may be shure of that. I should like to be present at your lyceum and hear you read the paper for I have now doubt that it will be interesting We have just got news that Gen Thomas has gained a victory over the rebel Gen Hood but have not learned the particulars

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as yet. Well success to Gen’l Thomas and to Sherman and I hope that they will continue to gain victory after victory I will not write more at this time for it is getting late. Remember me in love to all the folk and a kiss for Carrie

This from your Aff brotherLt. L. S. Williams
Co. “I” 6th Vt. Vols.

