Lyman S. Williams to Carrie A. Williams

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Battallion 6th Vt. Vols. Near Winchester Va Nov. 13th Dear Sister

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I am going to write a few lines to you this P.M. to let you know that I have not forgotten my dear little sister and to let you know that I am well as usual and hope that the folks at home are all well also. For the last two or three days the wind has blown hard all the time and it has been pretty cold but the wind has gone down some and it is quite pleasant this P.M. so that I can write without freezing my fingers. We left our camp

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at Strasburg Va on the morning of the 9th and came here where we now are and the next day the rebels followed us up and attacted our picket line which held them in check untill night when our Cavalry drove them off but they returned the next morn- ing and finely Gen Powell went out and drove the rebs back and pursued them beyond Front Royal and captured 150 prisoners two peices of Artillery their Ammunition train &c. Since then it has been quiet along our lines We received a mail to day and I got a letter from Mary and one from my friend E.J. Tyler both of which were gladly received by me.

I also received a Commission

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as 1st Lieut in Co. “I” my old Company dated the 8th day of November so in future you may direct your letters to Co. “I”. I am still act as adj of the Regt. but dont expect to long The news from election is good and indicate that Uncle Abe is reelected by a great majority Report says that he has 213 of the 234 electoral votes of the Country. Three Cheers for that. we are feeling well on the occasion here in the Army. I have not heard from Nathan for a long time but I hope to soon I will not write more now Sister Carrie here is a kiss for you and I want you to give Lois a kiss for me to I send you lots of love and so I do to all the rest of

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of the folks at home How is Willey Whitten is he pretty smart and does he come to see you very often Now do not be bashfull but tell me all about it Does Carrie want that I should come home and see her well I will come sometime this winter if nothing happens.

This from your Aff. brother1st Lieut L.S. Williams
Co. “I” 6th Vt Vols

Carrie I have sent you a rebel ring and a ten dollar Sesesh bill

