Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp of the 6th Regt. Vt. Vols.Brandy Station Va. April 13th 1864 Dear Sister

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I will improve a few moments in writing to you this evening although it is time that all honest people were to bed without they wish to write a dear sister as I am doing and then they are excusable of course.

Well I am well as usual and still enjoying the life of a soldier as well as possible I received a letter from you last Monday when I came in from picket also one from Mary and I was glad to hear from you both

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and I also got a letter from Mary and one from Nathan to night. He is well as usual and is still enjoying himself well there in Chicago although he thinks that it is not what it is cracked up to be being a Soldier and not be where he can fight. Now I will give you a short history of what I have been doing the last few days. Well last Friday I went on picket and stayed untill Monday and yesterday we had a Division Review and to day I ahd to drill the Co in the A.M. and then we had a Brigade drill this p.m. and this evening I attended the Lyceum at the Chapel and enjoyed it very much. Our Captain Reynolds has

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received the appointment of Major in the 17th Vt Regt and leaves for Vt now in a few days much to the regret of of all the company stille we are glad for his sake The weather here is pleasant at present and the fields begin to loock green I am all out of Postage Stamps and in this I will send you one dollar for which please send me some three cent stamps after taking out your commission for doing the business &c. I will also send you one of my phootographs which I wish you to send to cousin Carrie Barnum if you will. Give my love to all the golks at home and

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except a large share for yourself Also a kiss for Carrie I will not write more at this time but will try and do better when I have the time. And now I will bid you good night.

This from your Aff Brother Lyman S. Williams

