Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp of the 6th Regt. Vt. Vols.Near Brandy Station Va. Feb. 14th 1864.Dear Sister

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I now take this opportunity of writing you a few lines this evening to let you know that I have arrived all safe and well to the Regt. and am now enjoying good health with the exception of a slight cold which is not so pleasant you know. We arrive here on Wednesday evening and found the boys expecting us and every thing ready for our comfort I should have written to you before but I have been so busy that that I could not find time. I have spent the most of two days with Lt. Fletcher

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and Ray. and yesterday Eugean Garvin of the 4th Mich. Regt. came to see me and stayed untill this P.M. and I had a good visit with him for he is one of my particular friends. So you see I have not had much time to write to you my dear Sister. I am enjoying myself very well at present but am rather lonesome at times which is not very strange do you think it is after leaving my best and dearest friends in the world. Still I am surrounded by friends but they cannot fill the places of the dear ones at home I miss you all and Mary in particular but I am in hopes to meet you all again in a few months

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I am glad to know that you all like Mary so well and I hope you will continue to like her. Tell mother that I thank her for being so kind to Mary the day I left home and Mary wrote me all about it and I was glad that she stayed there untill the next day I want you to write me often and I will try and do the same.

Geo. Brown was quite sick yesterday but is feeling quite well to day. Last night I set up with Alf. Douglass all night. He is sick with the Measles but they have turned and he is much better to day and will be well again in a few days if nothing

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serious happens for we consider him out of danger now Give Carrie a kiss for me and my love to all the folks at home and accept the love of your aff. Brother

L. S. Williams
Co. I. 6th Regt. Washington
Vt. Vols. D.C.