Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Letter No. 22nd.Camp of the 6th Regt Vt Vols. Near Brandy Station Va. Nov. 10th 1863 Dear Sister

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I take this opport- unity of writing you a few lines to day. I am well as usual and I hope these few lines will find you the same I say that I am well and I am with the exception of a hard cold which is rather disagreeable as I presume you are aware from experience You say that if you do not get a letter once a week you think

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that we are on the move well we have been on the move for the last three or four days and a little fighting beside. Last Saturday morning we broke camp at Warrenton early in the morning and marched for Rappahannock Station and arrived in that vacinity about noon in front of the enemy who were in plain sight. We remained there untill the other Divisions of our Corps. had come up and taken their general positions in the following order. The 1st Div on our left and the 3rd Div in Reserve When all was arranged the order to forward march passed along the line and immediatly our Corps. (the 6th) was in motion and did not stop untill we had driven the rebs within their forti-

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fications. The 1st Div done the most of the fighting and our Div only scurmished on the right. A little after dark the 1st Div Charged on the rifle pits and Forts and captured every thing. We captured 1550 enlisted men and 300 officers Seven Stands of Colors and Seven peices of artillery and about three thousand stand of small arms The 3rd Corps crossed the river a few miles below us and toock about 400 prisoners. Sunday morning we crossed to the south side of the River and drove the rebels back to Culpeper and beyond without loss to us.

Sunday night we camped at Brandy Station and remained there till last night when we moved to this place to the right

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of the station but what will be the next move it is impossible to tell at present. Sunday night our Cavalry on our right had a sharp fight with the rebs and report says that they captured one Regt of Infantry and thirty five waggons. The truth of the report is not known Our loss at Rappahanock was about 75 killed and 250 wounded

Yours No 20 came to hand in good time and was gladly rec by me. I am always glad to get a letter from home and they are always interesting to me I am glad that you heard that Frank P. and Fletcher want to send some things in my box for I had rather go without my things for a week or two then

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to disappoint them I should like to attend the Lines at the close of school if I could for I think I could enjoy it well

Yesterday we had a slight snow storm and it is rather cool to day so I think I am excuseable if I do not write much more at this time I saw Frank Austin Sunday he is well as usual &c Excuse this hastly written Letter for I have others to write to day and if I do not make haste I shall not have time to write to them all. I received a Letter from Nathan the same time I did from you. he was well as usual. Write soon and often and oblige your aff Brother


