Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp of 6th Vt. Vols Tompkins Square, New York City. Aug 22nd 1863 Dear Sister,

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As you see by the heading I am in the City of New York and well as usual Since I wrote to you before we have been on the move. We left Camp near Warrenton Va. on the morning of the 14th and marched to Warrenton Junction where we went abord the Cars and went to Alexandria where we arrived on the morning of the 15th and remained there untill the morn ing of the 18th when we went abord of of the Ocean Steamship Illinoise and started for this City where we arrived on the evening of the 20th but did not land until yesterday. Our journey

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aboard the boat was a pleasant one with the exception of the evening of the 18th when we were run into by a Schooner and disabled so that we lay at anchor until morning for repairs. We lost two men by the accident from this Regt. one from Co. D and one from our Co from Essex by the name of Truman W. Blood who either jumped over board or was knocked of the boat. The voige was in every other respect a pleasant one with the exception of a few moments when I was Sea Sick. We were out of sight of land for about 24 hours and I had the pleasure of seeing the Sun rise and Set in the ocean and I enjoyed it very much and think that I should like a Sailors life well indeed. I was more fortunate

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than a good many in getting a chance to ride on the bow of the boat where I could gase out on ocean without being crowded. I suppose we were are here to enforce the draft and some of people here think that we shall have something to do others think that they will not resist but either way I do not know but I had as soon fight traitors in New York if there are such there as in Va. I do not know how long we shall stay here in the city but if we stay any length of time I should like to see you all down here if you could only come. We were paid two months pay at Alexandria but I paid out 15. dollars for some presents in the shops of Swords, revolvers etc. etc. for our officers as a mark of respect

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to them. I have a No. of Letters to write this P.M. so I must write short ones in order to get around with the lot. Write soon and oblige your aff. Brother

Lyman S. Williams

