Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp of the 6th Regt Vt. VolsNear Warrenton, Va. Aug 6th [1863] Dear Sister

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Your Letter No 11 came to hand Aug 1st and was received with pleasure as your Letters always are by me and if the writing does not loock so nice as some still it is just as welcome and I am never bothered to read them. I was glad to know that you were all well and this leaves me the same. The weather is very hot and has been so far the last week or two so that we have been glad to keep in the shade the most of the time when we can do so. Yesterday we moved camp about two miles and it was so hot that we came near melting at least

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we thought so. We have a very pleasant camp ground in sight of the City of Warrenton and about two miles from it with a plenty of good water close at hand and we shall probably stay in this vacinity untill our ranks are filled with Conscripts and the hotish part of the Season is passed at least I hope so. Today I am on Sergt of the guard so I have the most of the time to myself and I have spent the A.M. in writing and am in a fare way of doing the same this P.M. Yesterday I had a letter from Nathan. His health is very good at present. I also got one from Canada. Caroline Murrays folks are all well and so are all the rest of our folks there except Arthur Purvice who is sick with the Measels. There is some talk that

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Lib Morey is going to be married but I have not heard who to yet. You wanted to know what grew here in Va. well I will tell you viz grass,Wheat, Oats Corn, potatoes, Tobacco and in short everything that you can raise in Vt can be raised here. Apples, peaches etc. etc. I have had some ripe apples but they are not plenty as yet nor have I seen any ripe peaches as yet. We shall have green Corn now in a few days. The forest trees that grow here are mostly Oak, Chestnut and Pine. The Country is pleasant and healthy and well adapted to farming. blackberries are plenty but I have not seen but a very few blue berries in Va. I am glad that you have got so many berries picked and if I were there I would help you pick a few I guess. I want you to

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remember that I shall expect some of those berries this winter if I am where I can get them Ray is well and so is Fletcher and the rest of the boys as far as I know I do not think that Frank Phillips is handsome but then he is a good fellow and no mistake. I do not know about allowing you to dream about young fellows who are drafted and then are not men enough to come but will run away and leave us to fight the rebels alone. It looks as though they were Cowards dont you think so and I know that the young Ladies will have nothing to do with a coward. So if I have guessed right you see I do not think much of William P.- You wanted to know about Miss M.M.G. well the last time I heard from her she was

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well as usual I believe and teaching school in Essex I think.

I wrote home a while ago for some postage stamps but as they have not come I shall have to send this without a stamp but I suppose it will go just as safe.

We are expecting the pay master here every day to pay us for the months of m May & June and we shall be glad to see him. I hope you will excuse this and write soon as you get the opportunity to do so I have no news to write at present so I think I will close for this time.

This from your aff.
Brother. Lyman S. Williams

