Lyman S.Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp Griffin Fairfax Co.VirginiaDec. 9th AD 1861Dear Sister

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I received your letter last Friday morning and was glad to hear from home and to know that you are all well at home. I am tough and hearty as ever and able to eat my allowance of Beef and bread with any of them The health of our company is improving some I think. There has been two deaths in our company so far namely John Roland & Walter Osburn. There are also a number

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who are quite sick but are rather better this morning Ruben & Albert Austen and Henry Mosley are among those that are quite sick Last Friday we all went out on a foraging expedition to Vienna and brought back one hundred and two loads of corn and twenty load of hay and returned to camp in safty. Last Wednesday (25) twenty five of us went on a scout and sent in two double loads of poark and four prisoners. So you see that taking scouting, foraging, picket and home guard we are kept quite buisy at work I expect that they will have a little might of a time with with the rebels now in

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a day or two ( but do not know for certain) if so I hope that I shall have a chance to try my luck with them but it is rather doubtfull if I can for I am off on picket and shall not get off till to late I am afraid.

I am sorry that I sent home for my trigonometry but I had forgotten that I let Frank have it and supposed that it was at home all the time So if you do not get it in time to send it before you get this I should be glad to have you send it back to Frank

give my love to all inquiring friends and write soon

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P.S. Please let me know whither you have heard from Nathan or any of the Canada folks since I came from home. I do not know whether he gets my letters or not for I have not heard from there since I came from Montpelier and I have written to them two or three times Some say that I can not Send a letter from here to Canada and I wish you would let me know if you can send them from there if so I will write and send it to you and have you send it to him.

From Your brother
Lyman S. Williams
Co. I. 6th Regt VT. Vots.
Capt Hazelton. Washington

