Henry Harrison Wilder to ?

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Mrs Amanda Weybride


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that this Regt now have any fiting to do I think that in due time that I shall see you all again we must part some time to meet no more but I hope that that time has not past that we may be permited to enjoy many a long yeer to gather yet at I have don all that was in my power to put down this trouble that now invalus this land thare is some talk of advancing to [      ] we know not for surtain you nead not stop writing as long as you have paper and time to write and as for it being intaresting thare is nothing that afortes

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me so mutch plesur as a letter from you and my mutch loved Sister and Brother you have don evry thing that was in your powrs for me and all that I have to regret is that you never received your goust due from me but I hope that I may be able to conduct my self by my past conduct that in him to come I may never have occasion to look back and repent of any harsh sayings or forfish actions Mother I have got the things that you sent me and they are a things that I very shall want I shall go to bed with that blanket over me to night for the first

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time and shall dream of home I promise Merrill has sent home for some things and I thought that I should send to but since I got the things I rather hate to I will tell you what I should like and you can send them in convenience one [      ] one wolen bright cap with a pair of bucksin gloves one pair of wolen shorts if you set them make them long and put some packets inthem send some butter as mutch as conveniant and some apple when you get this letter see Mrs Janson for she is a going to send some things to M and have have hur put them in a box all to gather

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give my best respects to all mutch love to yourself think of nothing more

So good by
from Your ever affectionate
SonH. H. Wilder

PS if you send the box direct it as you do a ltter Merrill or my name and in care of the Quarter Master Mrs Janson knows his name

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there is a man by the name of Rensle that has got his discharge he is from this Company he started for home yesterday he is a going to De Samson and then to see you be is a very good man do all you can for him

Henry H. Wilder

