Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother

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Fairfax CountyCamp GriffinVirginiaFeb th11Mother

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I now seat my self to write you a short letter how do you & [ ] do I am well I come of post garde this morn we are at Camp Griffin yet & probaly shall stay some time yet the ground is frozen now so that it is very good geting round, mother Merrion & myself talk some of going into the regular scouts for five years whc do you what do you think about it if we do we have one hundred

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dollars down & two months furlough how is Lauren & Merrion I sent Lauren a ring last week tell me if he has got it I was sending your valentines & thought I must write to you if I did not write mutch send that box as son as possible nothing more this time

give my best respect to all mutch love to you

Henry H Wilder

Mrs Jos Hayward

