Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother

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Camp GriffinNov th 15Dear Mother

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This is Saturd morn and it raning and we are all in Camp and not any thing to do but write and read thare is one man in this tent that is a marking a board for the grave of Potter the man that I wrote to you about that died Walter was over this morning he is well he is a going to send some thing home this morning we have not hurd any thing about the box that was sent to this Company we shall

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have to goe to Washington to get it for the things that are sent to the boys do not come to them unless they are direct to the Quartermaster Merrill is well as usuall Fenton I have not hurd from the reste of the boys are very well how do you do are you well have you seen Marrion latley she has not writen to me this long time have they moved to Weybri yet when they get to Weybridge than she can write often we got the pay from the Govrment Munday and then I shal send some home it is two months

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to day since we was Mustered into the survis it dose not seam like two month spent at home it goes very fast with us thare has ben arevue for the last two days and if it had not rained to day there was to be a grand review and the President McClelon was to be at this plase thar has ben some 30,000 men on the Perade Ground for the last two days I am a going on picket to morow morning I have ben on once and I like it athis is not wrote very well for I am in a hurrey good by write soon

from your SonH Wilder

