Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother

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Camp GriffinOct th22Dear Mother

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thinking about things this morning I thought that I should write to you and have you or Father draw my State pay and let it out at intrest I am told that you can draw it if I want you to and Id rather you would draw it and have it on intrest than to let it lay idle untill I get home if I every should, white I expect to some time I shall have some more money in thre weeks from now at least the pay day comes then, thare has ben a fight it was yesterday and the Union Troops was one full and it is reported that General Jonston is taken prisner

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but it is a reporte that came in this morning I hope that it is true but we no not for surtain thare was a harde fight for we could heare the Canons all day it sounded like distant thunder all day long it is raning this morning and the boys are all engaged in letter writing thare is a greate deal of this business don in Camp I wrote to you in my other letter that I was unwell I am geting beter evry day I do not drill any and have not for the last week nor shall I for a week to come the Doctor tolde me that I must not the Doctor is doing first rate by me he is trying to get me a plase in the Hosptole he told

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Capen Stowell that I should not drill any more Edson Moody is here in the second Reg he was examined and the Doctor said that he was not fit for survis on acount of the feaver sore on his leg, he has got his discharge and he starts for Home to day I got the things that you sent but the letter I did not finde untill this morning I got the box to write this letter on and I found the letter as for the feeling tordes Marrion I have written a good many letters to hur and have not got any answer from them but if she did not get them of corse she did not now whare to direct good by

from youre afectionte SonH. Wilder

