Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Head Quarters 16th Vt Camp at Fairfax Sta. Va March 18th, 1863

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I kinder thought I should get a letter to day but none came. We are having a very dull time now, a portion of the men are digging rifle pits. The weather is very unpleasant, storms about the whole time. I dont have any particular business to do & yet am quite busy all the time. Am very well except a slight cold in my head. Guess if you wont delicate I could’nt get along without you. Aint a man foolish to get so attached to some little woman that he cant get along without her. Would you if you were a man? Do you know where [Jim Scripture] is now. Wonder if he has been able to find any religion that will suit both himself & other folks. Have you got my trunk at Nashua? If so I wish you would please look in it for a letter from C. C. White directing me to pay Col. Proctor $10

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for him, & also for an order from George Randal of Springfield to pay C. C. White ten dollars, & send them to me. Have you been paid that note? If so what have you done with the money that you have not spent. I have got some splendid tobacco. Shouldn’t you like to see me smoke it? Where are you going to send our boy to college? or will you send him to West Point. I shall expect that picture of you every day now. Reckon I am getting lazy, we have so little to do this dull weather. What absurd stories they tell about Genl. Stoughton. That story about Miss Ford is a vile slander. Wonder what this Summer after I get home. You will have enough to attend to. I wish I could see you my darling. I love you. Love to Mother & the rest.

Yr husband Wheelock

