Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Head Qrs 16th Vt Infty Camp at Fairfax Station Va March 15th, 1863 My Darling Wife,

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I got yr letter yesterday I was delighted & relieved. I think I should have telegraphed to mother after the mail got in yesterday if no letter had come. IT was just a week since I had had one.

[] cozy & warm you must look in that cloak. I want you to go right down have a little picture taken with the cloak on to send me. I guess I shall like it as you know best what is best. What wonderful preparations for babies - should think it came natural to you. Guess you had better keep at it after you get your hand in. I should like [?] you darling. I will write as often as possible when -- will you to me when I do? Am glad to have you talk so about my being present. Of course, I would be glad to on account of the danger- but it will impossible probably. But if you are very careful & prudent I guess you wont be very bad. I do hope not - Am very sorry to hear such account of health. I think those threats about starting a paper is mearly to get the Tel. Col. Cummings speaks in the highest terms of its management. Says he wishes he had known of Atherton in season, he would love had him at any cost. Atherton writes me that the subscription lest has not diminished. He certainly has produced the best articles I have seen in a N.H. paper. I dont think there is anything Editor in the state that can beat line on around political articles. He has two difficult to contend with first, the people these were determined both to like any successor to [] Father. And again they dont know half the time when they have a good thing. I wish you would write me all about the Capt. his habits of work, & his intercourse with people, & everything that he is accustomed to do.

If he does anything wrong I can stop it. I know he had got ability, & with a fair chance must succeed.

I have written this before breakfast. Good bye my darling. I will write again to morrow I guess

Yr husband

