Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Head Qrs 16th Vt Camp at Fairfax Station March 12th, 1863 My Darling Wife,

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I am worried to death about you, have not heard from you for almost a week. What can be the matter. Should thought you wouild have written if you were not well. I cant write at all myself until I hear from you. Am afraid something has happened to you. I do hope I will get a letter to- morrow. I expect I have lost the oysters on the election, from the news to day. did you get those letters about the money. I first

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wrote that I wanted you to send some & then countermanded the order. It rains about all the time here now. I am well. General Stoughton has sent a letter back to his Mother. He has failed to be confirmed by this mishap. He would have been confirmed Monday the day after he was taken, but his name was withdrawn by the President. Col. Stanard of the 9th will get it probably. Col. Blunt is trying

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for it.

O I wish I could see you to night. What are you doing my love? I hope you are not sick. You must let me know at any time that you are any sick. I should feel better than this sus- pense allows. Darling Angel, do you know that I love you. You would if you were here. If that baby troubles you I will fix him one of these days.

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You must put up short short letters unless you write to me. What can be the reason. Good night darling. I do hope I will hear to-morrow

Yr. fond husband Wheelock

