Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Head Quarters 16th Vt, Camp at Fairfax Station Feb’y 20th 1863My Wife,

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I received a splendid letter fr you to day. What a silly little thing you are to talk about my forgiving you &c. You know I should forgive you a thousand times a day for almost anything without you asking- You keep me infatuated with love & then keep asking me to forgive you. What real lover ever had anything to forgive You know you are only fooling me, & I shall not allow it. But that was

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a nice warm letter. Please write lots more like it. What a pity it is that Mr Atherton is at your house you are so modest. I shall pay you for all your pretense one of these day. You will be sorry then. We had about a foot of s now & now it rains furiously & I want to see you dreadfully about as bad as you did me when you wrote I guess. What a naughty good girl you are. I dont care what the baby is if you dont. But it must be smart. What a nice time we would have if you were here in my arms to night. What it you

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want more than a home? I think my angel you are a splendid wife. Do you truly behave just as well as you pretend? I am just begommomg to get really in love with you. Reckon you will kill me if the rebs dont I cant stand such love always. Guess you would have killed me before now if you had’nt damped it once in awhile by yr scoldings. Aint you glad you happened to think of it in season to save me. I must wait for recitation now.

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Officers have just gone. I always get tired attend ing a recitation. Yet I like them. I always had one every evening when not interrupted by duties since I have been a field officer. My health is good but my men are dying some. They are careless after being sick & get down again. Good night my sweet wife. I love you truly & want you in my arms. Darling angel I do love you, Be a good girl & love yr fond husband.

Wheelock Regards.

