Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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H’d Qrs 16th Vt VolsCamp Near Fairfax Ct H Jan’y 16th 1862 My Darling Wife,

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I recd another letter last evening saying that you were sick & not able to write. What is the matter Darling! How long have you been sick? were you careless? I thought sometime ago you were getting careless. Cant you write a line? And you sick abed? You ought to remember that you must exercise very great caution now, continually. I did’nt know why you did not write. Didnt think of your being sick. Dont you want to see me? Are’nt you sorry you are in such a delicate condition! I am because you are so careless. Do please be careful & take care of yourself. What should I do if you were sick. I cannot get away possibly. You must not be sick. What a nice friendly letter Nellie Tripp writes. Aint she good good?

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I had a letter from Mr. Tripp yes- terday. He sent his photograph and said I might send it to you if I thought it was worth sending. I will send it bye & bye after her friends here have seen it. Mr T. wants to come out again, says he never had such a good time as when here before. Mrs Proctor returned home yesterday. I wish you were here darling. O we would have such a splendid time. Should my camp cot be wide enough for both? Are you having a good time at Exeter? We have some very warm weather but it is getting cold to- day. My Regt can drill very finely, better than any I ever saw with one exception I have bought a new horse. My Adjts a splendid animal. The Adjt has resigned. 6 officers have resigned. I am getting some good ones in their places. Good night my angel I wish you were in my arms

Yr husband Wheelock

