Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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H’d Qrs, 16th Vt VolsCamp Near Fairfax C. H.Jan’ry 10th 1862My own Sweet Wife,

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All is still & quiet in camp and I am alone in my tent thinking of my own darling wife. Oh I do wish I had you here in my arms to- night my sweet love. What a good time we would have. Something makes me think of the old time when we used to write so many & long letters when I was courting & getting engaged. How wild I was in my love then, how unreal & un- substantial to what it now is. My love then was an excitement therefore very pleasurable. now it is a reality and a solid comfort real happiness. I loved you then as my sweet heart. I love you Please hand the enclosed letter to Mother

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now as my own darling wife. I was wild in my love then, I am sober now. I was fascinated then, I am in earnest now. Then you were an experiment, now you are a reality. I reveled then in a kind of dissipation. Now my happiness is steady & pure. How curious the stages have been. How much I enjoyed all those occasions of happiness we had to-gether. Yr visit to Concord opened a new life to us. We began to learn about each other then. And did’nt we have joyous times. We were silly thoughtless children. Nothing occupied our time or attention but our love- but we were busy enough over that. I often wonder how I happened to remain so

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true & honorable towards you so long. My dear child you have been very foolish to doubt me ever or fear that I did not love you. But I guess you will never be troubled again. I wish you were with me my own love. How delightful it will be to have a quiet home with you & yr baby. Dont quite know about the latter- shall have to make the best of it now. I cant realize it at all. How do you look? What are you doing now. You may send one pair of stockings. I dont quite see how one can knit 3 prs stockings at a time. I should like to see you all. Who does the baby look alike? What do they call him? Dont Herman show good spunk

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He has about the right material in him. I wish we had more such soldiers. I have promoted Jason but shall not have that “Rice boy” for a servant. It has been raining all the afternoon. I presume the wet season has set in now. Dont you wish you had not come to Washington till this time & then come out to camp & stop a long time. You will find it best to obey orders bye & bye. You made an advance too soon & had to retire discomfited. But we had a pretty severe contest while it lasted. Are you real careful. & do you have everything for yourself? You must. I hope you wont be sick. You must be careful about everything. Remember me to all. How is Mrs. Tilton, or isnt she at Exeter now. Good night my own darling Wife.

Yr Husband

