Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp Vt Va.Dec 4th /62My Darling Wife

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I love you. Have been to Washington. Went yesterday, came back to-day. Called at the National to see Mrs. Fabyan twice but she was not in. I have not got the matter of my discharge settled yet. Have got to report to the Sect’y of War. Col. Steven’s Reg’t has gone down down the river. I think we shall remain here this winter. & I think I shall send for you soon if you think you can come with safety. But you must be extremely careful. Remember. When does Mr. & Mrs. Adams want to come. Tell them it will be a splendid time to come to Washington. & to come to my camp & stay as long as possible. They can sleep with me or have a tent or sleep out doors, but they

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must come any way, There are crowds of people in Washington and officers without number. Wonder what interests Mrs. F. there so much. I wanted to see how she looks. When do you expect to go home? I think the best place for you to be sick, will be at home dont you? It would look rather curious for you to go away. I should think Rose would do, how do you suppose I know anything about it? I have done my part of the business & expect you are smart enough to attend to the rest. Write me immediately about yr coming out here, what you think about it. Mrs. Blunt is the only lady here, but others will probably come bye & bye. I dont feel much like letter writing to do as I have so many things on my mind to attend to. I wonder if you do love me tight do tell me.

Yr own husband
Regards to all. Wheelock

