Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Heigera HotelFortress MonroeAug. 22My Darling Wife.

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I was about sick when we started down the Peninsula and after the 2nd days march I took a carriage & rode on in advance, & came here to stop, have been quite ill but am about well again now. Henry has been with me & fixed me up. Have had no opportunity to write to you before, since we started which was last Saturday. Smiths Div. the last to leave. The troops are embarking daily for parts unknown to us, probably to units with Pope

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This ends one of the greatest campaigns in history in nothing, and all through the folly, not fault, of one or two in authority. This Peninsula has become the cemetery of noble men, foolishly sacrificed. We are having a storm this morn, so no troops can leave to day. Our Div, was expecting to embark today. I think I shall remain here a few days & get rested. It is a pleasant place if it was not so crowded. How I should like to go home 20 days. O I wish I could, it would do me so much good, I hope it will be healthier up in

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the valley & among the mountains of Va. I have not heard from you since we started down the P. Expect to get my mail to day - hope so for I am anxious about you. have you been real well darling? Have got yr letter fr Concord since writing the above. Am so glad to hear from you. Be very careful. Am glad yr Father is better. He will need a good deal of rest. Our brigade is embarking here but I am going to remain until I feel well & strong, wish I could get home, but I cant. Capt. Atherton has resigned, could’nt march. Mrs. Seaver is alive. Dan, & H. are well. You

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had better direct to Washington now. Be careful what you write as I may not get the first letters. Do be a good girl, remember I dislike flirting even in Concord unless I am a party.

Yr devoted husbandW.G. Veazey

