Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp near Harrisons LandingJuly 17th 1862My Darling Wife

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I have got fully well of my fever. Was Genl Officer of picket yesterday, & it was very warm so I broke the fever all up, have not been off duty any day, but have felt well used up some days. We have frequent & very heavy showers here. I never saw such showers. Am very glad you are so well & that you behave so well. My Angel I dow ant to come home & see you so much, but cant I suppose. I did have command of my own Reg’t every day after we started. did’nt I tell you so. You dont read my letters. I’ll write to someone who will. About every body is resigning now. Major Seaver’s resignation was refused. What do you find to amuse you in Boston so long? Genl Smith & Brooks have gone away. I had two dozen bottles whiskey sent me, came yesterday from Washington. I dont know whom from, 5 bottles were broken Dr Frost has recruited a Co for the 10th Vt Reg’t. O it would be perfectly splendid to be at home a month & go

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to the beaches &c. I want to see you my Darling so much. I wish the war would end & we could go home. It might be ended this Autumn, but only by an immediate draft of half a million of men. Waiting for enlistments will miss the campaigns. 300 000 will not be enough - nor soon enough raised. Unless more men are raised & by an immediate draft, the rebels will be ready to me us as they have done with far greater armies than we have, & of course will gain their aim. I am so thoroughly convinced of this that I cannot get it out of my mind. Yet I know it will not be done as the right thing is never done in this contest. General Smith & Franklin sent a letter to the Gov of Vt. recommending me for the 10th Reg’t but he had appointed another man They sent it in of their own accord. I would like to have had that reg’t. I can probably get an old reg’t before a great while, but they are so cut up I dont like to take them. Very many officers are resigning. Genl. Smith asked me which I would prefer an old reg’t or a new one so I infer he means I shall have one or the other. Good night my love

Yr. husbandW.

