Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp near Cold HarborJune 1st 1862My Sweet Wife,

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This is the glad month of our marriage. How did we happen to to hit on such as pleasant month? Almost a year since the happy event. A year of great events besides our marriage. A year full of material for history. I dont know how I would have changed my course even with the aid of experience, excepting to be better, less sinful. But I have the satisfaction of thinking that our marriage has done much towards making me better. It has been a shield against evil deeds & thoughts. I should like to be able to say in the end that I had never wronged you in thought, word or deed, as did the mythic king [Arthur] of the fair - well I have forgotten the name, you will find it the

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Idyls of the King. I am sure I shall of the [latter], the deed & the word; The thought will probably depend on the continuance of my love. It dont seem now as tho that would abate. The past has been an active week. Genl. Porter whipped the enemy on the right. And yesterday there was fought probably the greatest battle of the war, on the left. The enemy made the attack & Genl. McClellan just telegraphed that he has routed the enemy at every front, not beaten but routed. It was from two to three miles from here & such awful firing never was heard before. You will get particulars in the papers. Day before yesterday I went on with the 5th to reconnoitre the Chickahominy creek for 3 or 4 miles & the rebels opened on me with a battery & fired 130 shot & shell. but hurt no one seriously. They fired with remarkable accuracy & many shell burst near the [] A piece of one that burst near me

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hit me on the head but without injury. I cant tell you so you would understand it, how I got the reg’t fr under the fire without loss. I had no Artillery Nor can I tell you of our late movements or what we expect soon. Have the 5th Reg’t yet & have a pleasant time with it. My health is good: the weather is warm & we have terrible showers. The river is very high. There is no end to obstacles in our way. I dont think you will have to send any 3 month troops fr N.H. They will take care of Jackson and Ewell, but dont think the war is quite over yet. We begin to see some of the horrors of war now. The way men have to work, & the way they are slaughtered & hacked up. it is indeed dreadful & it all such supreme folly, such an outrage on civilization that on[e]cant but conceive a

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horrorble disgust for it. Henry & Dan are well. I wish I could see you the 22nd I hope I may soon. Capt. Pingree is not dead but getting better. Your Father wrote that Ally expected to go. suppose he is joyous enough. It will be pleasant for he wont come this side of Washington. Our troops fought well yesterday. Except on division, Casey’s, they were comparatively new & had never been in the field till they came on to the Peninsula Am glad you are going to write often. Love to all

Yr devoted husbandW.G. Veazey

