Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey
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We have at least a real pleasant day, about the first one since last Christmas.
Have rec’d all yr splendid letters this week past. Darling Angel, what an
excellent wife you are. What should I do with such a wife as some are. I am so
rejoiced that you are satisfied to be my own wife & nothing else. A good
wife is invaluable, any other is dreadful. Yet there are but few that are just
right. The whole love of one woman is worth worlds I think. I would not exchange
yr love for all else on earth. I am so confident of your devotion &
faithfulness, I derive immense happiness in thinking about you. Nothing could
convince me that you are not perfectly devoted to me alone. I thank God for such
a wife. Darling I must be worthy of you, & will be. The more devoted we are
to each other the better satisfied we shall be & the happier. We will have
so much happiness in a home together. How many things we will devise & do.
It will such a luxury to have a quiet home to go to, & not
board out any longer. I am tired of it. I want things my own way. & it will
be so nice to have my own sweet wife do them for me. And then my angel to have
you in my arms at night. It seems as tho’ I would give anything for one single
night now. I can sleep so sweetly with your heart throbbing against mine.
Neither poetry nor fiction ever portrayed love so deep and pure & full of
joy as mine for my own beautiful wife. It seems as tho all sin had departed when
you are with me. You dont know what perfect bliss it affords me to clasp you to
my heart & kiss your sweet lips. Just think of the splendid times we have
had to-gether. How often I think them all over. Think of that night in Concord,
when I had not seen you so long, & when you assured me so strongly that you
loved me. What an insane youth I was. I was so wild with love & so doubtful
whether you really loved me, & was so rejoiced at any evidence of it.
How foolish I acted. I was perfectly wild and infatuated. I used to
get sick, I thought about you so much & was so insane with love. I think of
that night of the fire works about as often as any. I completely melted then.
But the best of all was when we were married. My feeling were totally
indescribable. Those occasions were about a full of joy as anything on earth can
be I know. And that thought that they will be reacted is so delightful. I don’t
care how soon. I hope I shall not have business hereafter that will separate me
from you. Darling love arent you sure I love you? Remember you must be a model
wife to retain such love.
Henry is here & will remain. I cant bear that he should leave especially now
that I am away from the Reg’t We mess by ourselves, & enjoy it very much.
Several Springfield men called on us to day. Three countra- bands came in this
eve from beyond Manassas & brought very important information if correct. I
shall send to to McClellan in the morn early
We shall not remain
here long I think. Do you remember that I told some people when at home that
McC. would have Centreville in 8 weeks without the loss of a man? I must close
& go to bed. I do wish it were with you. It will be a Heaven on earth to me.
Good night my own angel wife.
Yr devoted husbandW. G. Veazey