Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinFeb 7, 1862My own darling angel

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I just rec’d yr letter fr [N.C.] Wish my angel I was there with you. I hope you will have a good time but please remember your own husbands likes & dislikes. You know how somebody undertook to flirt there once & how serious it became so you must be careful & not try the experiment again. What should I do without you & all your love & devotion. I live on these things & should die without them. You ought to remember that I made no exception when I asked you to be familiar with no gentlemen, but perhaps you can remember some exceptions & that is why I get moody & feel badly sometimes. You know Mrs. A. dont think many things improper for a married lady to do, that you husband does, & you know my pet whom you

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promised to obey before so many witnesses. I worship you & long for the day when I can go home to live with you all the time. I have thought more about it since I came back, & would be glad to get out of this business as soon as I can be spared, but my angel you would not own me till this accursed war is over unless I was here, & I am proud of your for your patriotism & sacrifice. I do think it splendid to be with you & have you do so many things for me contin- ually. I have got to have a recitation of the officers now & have got to go on picquet to-morrow be out all day & night. I cant stop to write much but that. I must write tho’ a short letter. I wrote to you at n. C. yesterday. Remember me to Mrs. A. & tell her I will write with yr permission if I can get time I am pretty busy doing nothing now [adieu]

Yr own fond & faithful husband.

