Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinFeb’y 5th 1862My Darling Love -

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I rec’d yr first letter as I came in fr picquet yesterday morn, & another this eve, both real good letters. I have wanted to see you more than ever since I came back. I never loved you so much my own angel. You must be very careful to remember all darling because you know I cant live without all yr love & devotion. I felt badly that night because I thought I saw evidence of yr old habit of familiarity with gentlemen. I would not for the world have any one think you cared to please gentlemen as girls do or as married ladies sometimes do. I don’t want any one to feel at liberty to flatter you or pay you any special attention. I just want you to be my own dignified & darling wife. all mine & always mine. You are all that I have to care for & I want all yr love just as I love you. I shall be as glad as you to get

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home to stay. I want a home of my own more than anything else. It will be delightful to live with you & be able to support you respect- tably. I or we went over to see Atherton last eve, & Major Proctor this eve. Mrs. Crain went away to day. I carried that box over to Lt. [Fabyan] this eve. Saw Mrs. F.’s brother I will direct to N.H. Do remember to be a good child while there. Write long letters & good ones & dont flirt but love me right tight. I should lonesome without Henry. I adore you my perfect wife. What a perfectly elegant time we had. It seems like a dream. I wish I had you in my arms to-night & every night. Remember me to Mr. & Mrs. A. I should like to be there with you one night. Darling good night. Love yr own husband. I can write love letters cant I, or will you show them? Kiss me

Yr own devoted husbandWheelock

