Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinDecMy darling wife,

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I did not get a letter this eve. Got one last eve, but not very good. It told about flus & Lt.. Weld, both very disagreeable topics to me. I have thought about you a great deal lately. Wonder if Ally or yr Mother will have any stories to tell me about you that will make me feel badly. Will they? I never thought I could feel such confidence in any woman as I feel in you. Will you always be worthy of it my love? Do you never forget me, nor who you are. Dont you ever regret you

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are my wife? I wish I could be with you a short time. I suppose if I should come home bye & bye awhile I should hardly- I was interrupted at this point & dont know what I was going to write. Have been ingaged all this eve & have got to go out with the picquet very early to-morrow morn, so I must go to bed. Good night my blessed angel. Have also got yr letter now also one fr home.

I love you my angel
Yr devoted husbandWheelock

