Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinDec. 9.My Sweet love

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The mail did’nt come yesterday, so I got two letters to night. Aint you a splendid wife. Of course you are smart, & I do love you my own darling. I wish you would send R. Leonard’s letter back as some of our classmates want to see it. Hartness has been here, & Hobbs. They are in Washington & several others as clerks teachers &c. I dont know darling when the war will be over. Sometimes I think before a great while but its impossible to tell. It is delightful weather & a good time for anything

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The rebels had a great review at Centerville the day we went foraging last week & were greatly alarmed at our advance. A party of officers went to Fort Corcoran, on Arlington Heights yes- terday, Sunday. Went into Falls Church where Gen’l. Washington attended & was married.

We shall have another honey moon when I come home. Shant we have a fine time? I would hold you my sweet angel if I were there. Are you real well? I wonder if you are careful enough of yr conduct? Do you think you are. I fear you will forget how particular I am. In order not to be

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particular I must think about something or somebody else all the time & sort of let my love for you grow cold. Do you want me to? I dont like to do that, but had rather than to be jealous. You do like to give flowers to gentlemen so well & a thousand other things, I almost fear you forget your name. Do you ever? Do you truly love me just all the time? I must go to bed I wish we could be together. How quickly I should go to sleep. Should’nt you. Darling havent we had good times together? The past has been an eventful year. We can

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hardly tell what the next will develop - perhaps a baby for one thing. Hope not, wife is enough especially when she is such a baby.

Kiss me my sweet darling, dont work too hard, nor set up late nights, but be very careful of yr health & be a good wife every way & love me. Do you? Dont you think I write very often? I will try to write oftener, but not very long probably.

Good night my own darling wife.
Yr husbandW. G. Veazey

Are you careful of such letters as this? Don't show it, but love yr husband

