Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinDec. 1. Nov.My Darling Angel,

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What do you expect me to say to others about my family when I write to it so often. Am glad you did not send any solidified milk. We have good milk enough, & that kind dont amount to anything. We live well enough, not much variety, but appetites good enough to make up. I weigh 176 lbs. We had turkey and chickens, Thanksgiving day. I sent an invitation to Lt. Fayban to dine with me, but he was sick. I have not seen him yet, & don’t know him by sight, but have inquired for him several times.

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Major Seaver has returned, is well, had a fine time. His wife has fully recovered, says it dont pay to go home it is so hard getting away again. Believe I would run the risk if I could get away bye & bye. I have read the Cloister & the Hearth, have you? Went to Washington yesterday, had a fine time. Went to the theatre. Heard something I never heard before I.E our national airs hissed when played by the ochestra. How it made my blood freeze & rush from my heart alternately. Of course we soon drowned the hissing by our own applause, but we knew the serpents were there. I instinctively felt for my pistol. How quickly the

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officers present straitened up when they heard the hissing. Should like to have seen a miniature battle if we could have picked out the traitors. Some ladies wear secesh bonnets in Washington. They have frequent fires there & it said they are bound to burn the city yet, if the rebels fail to take it. I would like to see it burn if it were not Washington, for it is the poorest specimen of a city I ever saw, but it is fast becoming Easternized. Eastern enterprize is filling in there rapidly, & I think it will follow our army wherever it goes. I think the time is at hand when the leniency of the

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Ad’s’tion must give way to a more rigid policy towards the rebels. Their property of all kinds must be confiscated, & thus make the war pay its expenses & in fact be a profit. The rebels are too much in earnest to be coaxed, therefore drive them in earnest I say. As I cant come myself I thought I would do the next best thing How do you like it? This boy Scott was my orderly the other day & drew this so I thought I would send it to you. I am sleepy.

Good night my angel
Yr fond husbandWheelock Veazey

