Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinNov. 23.My own Angel,

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I am too much disappointed to write you again. I expected to have something to write about ere this but its the same old story still. I had reason to expect an attack would certainly be made early this week but the week has passed without the attack. It may be deferred only; but I shall wait patiently now & not expect it till is comes. The review Wednesday was quite grand. Our brigade went on a foraging expedition Thursday which was very successful. We went towards Vienna. I believe I never was

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so well as I have been for a month past, & I want to fight. I begin to feel as tho. I would like to take the job of doing up secessionism. I am inclined to think the news from other parts was the occasion of the giving up or deferring of the advance this week. I rec’d two splendid letters fr you this eve; one an old one in which you first told me of Capt Ainsworth’s entering the service. I shall write him to-morrow. Have not rec’d the bag yet. You were very thoughtful to say you had not said much to Lt Weld, for you had said so much about him

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lately I began to feel quite jealous. You will have to be very careful. How unfortunate Mr Barrett is to have so much business, when the country needs his service so much & he is so desirous of entering it. Capt. Atherton is quite sick & intirely discouraged. He had a cold first & has now this yellow billeous complaint. Nearly all our officers have had it, they look as yellow as saffron, & are very sick. Probably I shall have it bye & bye. Hope it will if at all after the campaign has ended so I can come home. I believe I would not leave now if I had a dozen

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fevers & thereby run the risk of having something happen while away. Our regt is getting in good condition, men all fat & smart except about a hundred sick. Lt Floyd is so fat he can hardly see, weighs 153 pounds, & has to get a new suit of clothes every pay day. I cant button mine I got last. I forgot to tell Col or Genl. Gage that our camp is on my first battle ground, to use a big term for a little affair. Tell him I had the pleasure of being shot at an hour & fifteen minutes on this very spot. I have my tent fixed up nicely now. Have a stove & floor &c &c. It looked worse than any tent here when the Genl. was here. Of course I would be delighted

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to have [oysters] or anything else fr so pretty a lady as Mrs. Greely I am going to bathe to- night now. I have a warm tent. Good night my sweet wife I wish you were here in place of my son of midnight

Yr devoted husbandWheelock

