Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinOct. 15-My dear wife

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I have been very busy since we occupied Lewinsville & Prospect Hill, so I could not write much My lazy habits are pretty much broken up again. I was sent by Gen’l. Mc.Clellan on quite an important reconnoitering expedition last Sunday, & had excellent success. Went right in the midst of the rebels, might have cut off several of their vidette parties, but that was not my

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business. Col. Hyde is detailed on special business now so I am in command. What do you mean by speaking in the way you do about his being sick always. He is scarcely ever sick, & never is off duty when he is so, except in an extreme case. He is generally considered the best Col. in the army of Smith’s division. He & Genl. Smith were almost beside themselves with joy at my return Sunday. I had 150 men & was gone all day & they expected me in a few hours as they thought I should

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be repulsed before entering the rebel lines, but I drove in their picquets & followed them so closely they could not give any report so as to get out a force to meet me, before I had examined the whole ground I wanted to see & get off to another part of their lines. Reconnoitering is rather pleasant on account of the excitement of it, but the responsibility is great. The movements of a whole army sometimes depend on ones report. I have had remarkable luck in this business. Have always been sent after two or three other parties

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have reported, but never had another officer sent after my report. There is a little fun in keeping these Genls in anxiety. I had the pleasure of keeping Genls McClellan, Smith & Hancock watching with their glasses for 12 or 15 hours to observe my movements last Sunday. I have a Col. tent stove now; its tremendous cold. My hand is so cold I cant write. We have to turn out every morn, one half hour before daylight. I want to go to Washington to day to get my new clothes- & splendid suit of beaver blue, $40. Have a rubber suit also. I dont care who reads my letters when I write some thing particularly for you

In haste yr devoted husbandW. G. Veazey

