Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey
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We have had another little brush to-day. Started out to Lewinville in force to
forage this morn. Got over a hundred loads hay & corn &c. drove cattle,
flock sheep. I assisted Mr. Proctor, as only part of our reg’t. went out, the
remainder being on picket. Just as we started the last load home, the rebels
began to toss in their shells, which was duly responded to by our battery till
they shut their mouths & retreated. Our reg’t was thrown
as skirmishers, & as soon as the firing began, I went down & hunted them
out. They occupied position in a ravine between the two batteries & the
shells of both whistled over our heads beautifully. Wish you could hear them. I
never heard such music. Tenyson would say they cut the air as “the shrill edged
shriek of a maniac divides the shuddering night.” I believe two or three of our
forces were slightly wounded, nothing worth mentioning. We took one rebel
officer prisoner, one of the Genl’s staff. The N.H. sharp shooters were out but
got no chance to do much.
I doubt somewhat about the efficiency of
that corp. They are good only in one place, therefore I fear they will be good
for nothing, for that place seldom occurs. They cannot resist a charge therefore
they must always be supported. They, like the Zouaves or black horse cavalry
will do to create a sort of dread or fear, but that is about all they amount to.
A regular rifle musket reg’t. is a match for a host of all such corps. The truth
about that Va. black horse cavalry is simply this, there was one co of black
horses in a reg’t. Artillery is the arm for this war, we cant have too much of
I have a black boy to work for me now, very good boy. My horse
is on the way here now. The 4th & 5th Vt. are in Washington. I have not seen
Atherton. I went to W. Monday - & saw the N.H. 3rd, quite a number fr Exeter
I knew. Its a fine reg’t. but confound the grey uniforms. When will they stop
putting such stuff on men- I wear a blue flannel sack coat, coast about seven
dollars, just such as every body wears about Washington & worth more than
anything else for comfort & service, full of pockets, & no stiff collars
or cotton. I shall get a parade uniform when I get ready, but dont think that
will be very soon, as I know of no place to wear it between here & Richmond.
Dont believe an outfit would cost me very much were I to start again.
I should want about $20 worth of cloths all told, & an opera glass. Arms
I wouldnt give a dime for. The box has not come yet. I would’nt buckle on a
sword again for a month if regulations did not require it. I think a view of
the articles in the box will enable me to express my thanks more heartily
therefore I will defer. Extend my congratulations to Mr& Mrs Barrett when
the time comes, should be most happy to be present to do it myself, but it will
be the same for you to. I have no objections to yr going around, if you will
only remember. Wont the front room
too public. Seems to me I should rather remain in the old
place, but you know best . Dont you want some money? We have not had a cent yet
but expect it soon.
I am very tired, so good night my angel.
Yr devoted husbandW G Veazey