Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp LyonAug 25th /61My dear Wife, darling

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I have rec’d lots of letters fr you the past week. It has been the pleasantest week since I have been here, every way. The weather has been delightful, much cooler than Aug. in N. Eng. & not rainy much. Nights very cool, almost cold. Its a humbug about this Southern climate being so much better than N. Eng. climate. I believe it is more tedious for any one to bear. I have been in command of the Reg’t most of the time for the past week, therefore have not been detailed for special duties so much as usual

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Have been over to Va with a scouting party twice, but we had plesant days both times We drove in the rebel pickets, the last time, Friday & a body of their cavalry, took two prisoners & 15 or 20 tons of hay, & got all the peaches we wanted. Union men gave them to us. We are continually increasing & perfecting our defences. Troupes are coming in to Washington quite fast since the President’s call & reports say the rebels are drawing off, & concentrating at Fairfax Ct house. Atherton has been ordered to Washington & is on the way I suppose, perhaps has arrived. he had not a full Co. but, all were ordered forward. Wish he could be sent here as I cant

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get away to see him, we are so busy. He ought to have come with us in any capacity, for he could be promoted now if a worthy officer. Genl. Smith has recommended Lt. Col. Hyde for Col. & me for Lt. Col. but the Gov. may have some connections to appoint. I never reckon on anything till I get it & am not over anxious for promotion any way. My position is good enough now. If I were Lt. Col. any little accident might throw the whole command on to my hands, whi. is altogether more of a responsibility than I feel equal to. It is easy to have simply the title of Col. but to be a Col. in fact & worthy the title is no small thing. I scarcely know the man

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in all my acquanitances that is really fit for this position in regular service. I am as fat as I ever was. We have plenty of fruit which makes me feel well always. We have a mess now & live very well. I can eat all before me. I guess you can cook well enough for us. Are you perfectly well this summer? & perfectly careful Hope you will have a nice time at N. C. Please remember me to the folks there, Mrs. A in particular and Miss P. Where is her other self? Don’t forget who you are. I have not rec’d my coms. as Major yet. Seaver & several Capts want it very much. Seaver is Provost Marshall of the brigade, a place of much labor & no honor. He dont wear very well with the officers, but you need not mention it. Please write often this week my angel love. Tell me everything &c, &c. I dont know but I shall try to sell out at Springfield for if the northern people don’t take hold of this war better we shall certainly have a 3 years job.

Yuor own fond husband,W G Veazey

