Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp LyonAug 21.My darling wife -

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We got back from our expedition safe sound & tired. We took 3 cos infantry, one cavalry- and one piece artillery. We got on track of the fellows but they slipped away ahead of us. They have a great advantage for the people carry them word of any movement of ours. You would be surprised to see what roads they have in Va. & houses. Our hog pen North, are palaces to most of hem. The impression of the Soldiers, is when they see these folks & their homes

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& farms & the general appearance of things, that it is paying rather a large price to carry on a war agst such. Everything seems worthless to N. Englanders. I cant stop to write much but that, I would just let you know that I got back safely.

Yr. devoted husbandW. G. Veazey

