Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp Lyon.Aug 14 /61My darling wife,

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I wish you you would write to me oftener, every day or two if you can. Yr letters are about all the pleasure I have except the satisfaction of doing my duty. We are having a cold storm, the first cool weather since we came. Showers are very frequent & heavy. I am officer of the Day, so I shall have to be up considerably tonight. The Vt. 2nd came to-day making 4 regts at this point. I think our Col.

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will be promoted to brigadir genl. & have the command of this brigade. He has had it by brevet hitherto. I have been quite well till to-day, feel a little weak but nothing more. Don’t expect quite so much work now as we have had. Adjutant Blunt is sick to-day. Proctor is very rugged all the time. He will be promoted with the Col. I suppose, & Blunt too. What are you doing now adays. Seems a long time since I heard fr you . Do you hear fr Exeter? I have not since I came except

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through Daniel. One of my corporals cut off his thumb yesterday. Has Miss B. gone home? Floyd is well. Stoughton has gone away somewhere. Poor fellow, he has about fizzled out. he seems to be entirely worthless- but don’t mention it or that I spoke of him. He is a clever fellow & gentlemanly. I should like to see you to night my darling. Reckon I have taken a little cold, the change has been so sudden in the weather & I feel very stufed. Guess I wont write any more till I feel a little more

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like it. But I wish you would write to me often, tell me all you see, say or do, so I can sort of live it over in imagination with you. Remember me to all. I will write more soon.

Direct to Washington
Co A. 3rd Reg. Vt. V.

Yr devoted husbandW. G. Veazey

