Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp at Union Mills Va. June 16th 1863 Dear Sister,

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Dont you think I write as often as necessary? You see I have nothing else to do and I think you will be glad to get a letter any time, so I write, tho’ the letters dont amount to much. Yesterday was extremely hot, and as we have had no rain for several weeks you can have something of an idea what a dust a train of baggage wagons, Artillery, Cav. &c. would kick up in our camp, if they were moving through it all the time. Since yesterday noon there has been an almost continual train passing directly through our camp, so we have had dust for breadfast, dust for dinner, & dust for supper. Trains were passing nearly all night and are still going to day. They are most of them going in the direction of Centerville I understand that the 15th Regt. are all together at Manassas Junction & are coming back here to day. Geo is with them yet, did not come back yesterday. Many soldiers were sun struck yesterday while on the march; old soldiers passing through here say it was about as bad a day as they ever saw, for a march.

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To day is quite cool & comfortable. I think they must have had thunder storms somewhere about us during the night. I wish we might get enough to lay the dust, here.

I can get no pass to Washington at present so shall send my money in letters as I spoke of & if it gets lost, let it get lost. I dont know what better can be done.

Our Co. is all on picket to day. Every man of them, it was not Capts. or my turn to go so we are stoping in camp, the Co. will not be back until day after tomorrow.

Our boys are all well and feeling well; the same with myself. I never felt better during the hot weather.

I wonder if father would’nt like to come out here between planting & haying? If nothing happens to make us move at present it would be a good time now. Aldrich said when he was here last winter that he should come again in June. if he should come father might come with him. Enclosed you will find a $20. Love to all. I look for a letter from you to day.

Your Aff. Brother Joseph Spafford
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P.S. Watson, Adjts. Clerk, has got a pass, & is going into Washington to day, is going to take some money in for Adjt. & I have sent mine by him. He is going to get Paymasters checks if possible, if not he is going to send it by Express. I send by him $180.00 - $150.00 of it being mine, & $30.00 of it belongs to Az which father can hand to Geo. White. I shall send $5.00 in this letter instead of $20. which with the $20. sent yesterday, & the $150.00 sent to day makes a total of $175.00. The script sent the day before you may have. J.

