Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp at Union Mills Va.Saturday Eve June 13th 1863Dear Sister

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I write to night not because I have any thing to write, but because I have nothing else to do.

For the last three or four weeks we have had nothing but hot, dry, weather & every time the wind blew a little the dust would fly like snow in the winter time; to night it looked quite like rain & I think we shall get at least a shower this time. We dont get many showers in this vacinity, in fact we have had only one yet this season. They either follow the Potomac down, or go south of us, & follow the Rappahannock.

Present appearances seem to indicate that the rebs intend to give us another Bull Run fight. A portion of Hookers army have moved up near Bealton. The old story of “all quiet on the Potomac” “Washington considered safe” &c. will prehaps come in fashion again.

H. A. Mason, (Capts uncle) left for home this morning, and as the boys did not get paid off as soon as they

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expected they could not send thier money by him. I recd my pay to night $214.00. Shall send home $175.00 of it but I’m sure I dont know how, for there is no chance to get Paymasters Checks this time short of going into W. for them & its almost impossible to get a pass at present. I owe the odd $14. & shall need as much as the $25. before the 23d of July. Capt. says he shall not send home any this time, he is giong to buy him a horse. I shall at least save $250. out of what is paid me at Brattlevoro which will make $900. saved in the 9 mos. I think that is doing pretty well to save that much tho’ probarbly some have done still better, & some very much worse.

I have concluded to put a pass in for Washington tomorrow & if I get it, it will be so I can go monday & by going to Maj. Halsey I can get a Paymasters Check which I think much the best way to send money; if I cannot get the pass I shall send it in letters $20. at a time. I shall not send anything in this unless it is a little script, which prehaps would come handy for you to make change with.

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Love to all. Has Uncle Sylvanus gone home yet? I will write no more this time.

As Ever,
Your Aff Brother Joseph Spafford

P.S. What do you think about your & Ellens coming to Brattleboro when we are there? We shall probarbly stop there several days & if you think you can come, why I’ll make calculations for you after I get there & either come up after you or write & tell you when to come. I am making calculations you see the same as if I knew for certainty that I should come to Brattleboro & I assure you it is what I intend to do, but if I should fail in my calculations there would be no harm in making them at least.

