Joseph Spafford to Homer White

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Camp at Union Mills Va. June 11th 1863Dear Sister,

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I recd your & mothers letters of the 7th inst this P.M. after we came in from Bristoe Station. We were releived by the 15th Regt to day. Dr. Geo. remains here to attend the sick that were left behind. We have encamped on the hill here near the site of our old camp.

I noticed in the “Washington Chronicle” yesterday an acct of the battle of Port Hudson, & an extract from a letter written by the Col. of the 4th Wis. Probarbly you have seen the same, or will before this reaches you. I will copy the extract or a portion of it & send the paper also, so if one does not reach you the other will, probarbly. “Capt Craigon (without doubt, Capt Craigue) was hit with a musket ball, not mortally, I hope, & the poor fellow lay there among the trees bleeding like an ox, laughing at his wounds, & cheering on his men”. I will send you the paper at the same time I send you this letter.

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I am rather tired to night having worked hard pitching our tents, building bunks, &c. so shall not write much, tho’ I have taken a big sheet.

I am glad Uncle Sylvanus has come to Vt. I hope something can be done to civilize Aunt M. Give Uncle S. my love & tell him I will go & see him after I get home.

We are to be paid up to May 1st tomorrow. There is no chance to get checks short of going to Washington for them now & as Capt Mason’s uncle (H.H. Mason) is here & starts for Springfield tomorrow or next day I think I shall send my money by him. Probarbly quite a number of our boys will do the same.

I will write no more this evening for it is time for tattoo, & I shall go to bed as soon as possible after. Write often. Love to all.

Your Aff. BrotherJoseph Spafford

