Joseph Spafford to Marianne Spafford

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Camp at Union Mills VaSunday Apr. 26th 1863Dear Sister,

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We were paid off for 4 months last night. Enclosed I send you some script which they make change to us in. I wanted you to see it just for the curiosity of the thing. When the Paymaster handed the Capt three or four sheets of it, Capt asked him if he would’nt just as soon take one of them back & give him a card of gingerbread. I shall send a Paymasters check as I did before, tomorrow or next day.

It is almost time for Guard Mount & as I am on the Camp Guard to day I will close.

Your Aff Brother.Joseph Spafford

P.S. Geo. says he expects Sophia has gone home so has directed his last letter to Windham.

