Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp Near Fairfax C.H.Sunday January 18th 1863Dear Sister

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I wrote to mother to day so will write to you this evening. I was very much pleased when George recd his letter from Sophia telling how you all said “what fools” when you heard how much pains we took to help the beautiful young female Secesh to find her father. You must know that we seldom see a woman in this buisness, so of course when we do chance to meet one, be she Union or Secesh we are “just like coffee” The fact is I have quite an idea of borrowing a horse & riding over to Centerville some day & calling on the family, they all shook hands with me & asked me to when I came away. If none of you have any objection prehaps I shall bring home a regular live she Secesher when I come home. I’m not particular myself, if any of you are just say so & I’ll give up the idea immediately.

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George has been about sick with a cold for some days & at one time even spoke of resigning. He is very much better now, & was not any of the time half as bad as I have seen him at home more than a dozen times. He would not have thought of resigning if I had not kid him one day if he had not better & I should not have said any thing about it only I knew he had a place at home where he could do well if not as well as he could here. Now he will not think of such a thing as going home, for he is almost well again & besides has got detailed at the Brigade Hos. which is a good place, in a good house at Fairfax C.H. & he will be well off.

I recd a letter from Mother to night, since I finished my letter to her, so will answer it in yours which will answer all purposes just as well. In the first place in regard to sending a box; you can do just as you please about it, it wont make much difference if I dont have one you know, for we live very well; however if you wish to send one I will give you what direction I can in regard to it. If you send, you may as well send in

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about 100 pounds as less as it will come for about thousand. Get a rect for the box & send it to me. Send me a pair of drawers & one pair of stockings. No matter about it tho’ come to think I guess I’ll get them here tho’ they aint good for much they will do while they last. Dont put in any thing that will spill over or break in the box Mince pies will go about as well as any thing. Some dried apple &c. John K says he & Piam are going to have a box sent. Az says if his folks want to send any thing they may send what they please, he dont know of any thing in particular he wants. He still lives with us & will probarbly until we go to Vt. There is no Drum Maj appointed yet, but Az will not probarbly get it as George C- gave his influence for another fellow, Hile Hadley of Chester. I should have thought he would have helped Az for all any other fellow in the world. George Clark gets along some way for money. I’m sure I dont know how, except that he gets trusted all he can. You need not send me any money without I write for it. I think I

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can get a little of Charley Simons When I cant get long any other way I will write for some. That Freeman who was made 2d Lieut. is brother to the fellow that lives on the Oliver Tarbell place. I should think I was a little rough on the Orderly Sergts. The Adjts. Clerk is to be Sergt. Maj. Charley Read (of the 4th) is sick & has resigned & gone home I understand.

I will write no more to night My love to Sophia, Ellen B- & all the Felchville people. I have a beautiful little Christmas wreath which Ellen sent me.

Ask Sophia how she should like that nice young female Secesh that rode in the ambulance for a sister in law.

Good night
Your Brother Joseph Spafford

P.S. Brink is about well again.

