Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Company E. 16th Vt.Picket Reserve, Centerville VaDec 13, 1862Dear Sister –

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You will see by the date of my letter that we have bid good bye to Camp Vermont. We got marching orders night before last & started yesterday morning at 5 o’clock marched to Fairfax C.H. and encamped in the woods for the night. Started again this morning at 8 and came to Centerville near where we are now stoping. The 16th is the

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only Regt of the Brigade here, the others stoped at Fairfax C.H. We are to stay here & do picket duty a week (half the Regt out at a time) then we go back to Fairfax C.H. & another Regt takes it, so you see our time will come once in 5 weeks. I am on the reserve to day. The line officers have got a good room in a house with a large fire place in it so you see we couldnt be more comfortable. The boys are encamped in front of the house. Az & Brink are stoping with us. George is detailed with the 12th for a few days so he is not with us Dr. Park is here. I stood the march tip top rode the Adjants horse part

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of the way. I rather hated to leave Camp Vt. but now we are fairly out I wouldnt be back any way. In coming here we past a battlefield where we found plenty of bayonets, broken & burnt guns dead horses & I saw one mans head sticking out of the ground. Our picket line is out by the Bull Run battlefield. All the boys are well, not one of them ailing a bit. I presume George has written home to day but I dont know. I am feeling first rate and am glad we have left our winter quarters. It is now near 9 P.M. & I am going to bed so will close. We have got no mail or

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sent any since we left camp. I shall try & send this out tomorrow. Good night. Love to Father Mother Grandmother & all inquiring friends.

As Ever
Your Aff Brother Joseph Spafford

