Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford
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You will see by the date of my letter that we have bid good bye to Camp Vermont.
We got marching orders night before last & started yesterday morning at 5
o’clock marched to Fairfax C.H. and encamped in the woods for the night. Started
again this morning at 8 and came to Centerville near where we are now stoping.
The 16th is the
only Regt of the Brigade here, the others stoped at
Fairfax C.H. We are to stay here & do picket duty a week (half the Regt out
at a time) then we go back to Fairfax C.H. & another Regt takes it, so you
see our time will come once in 5 weeks. I am on the reserve to day. The line
officers have got a good room in a house with a large fire place in it so you
see we couldnt be more comfortable. The boys are encamped in front of the house.
Az & Brink are stoping with us. George is detailed
with the 12th for a few days so he is not with us Dr. Park is here. I stood the
march tip top rode the Adjants horse part
the way. I rather hated to leave Camp Vt. but now we are fairly out I wouldnt be
back any way. In coming here we past a battlefield where we found plenty of
bayonets, broken & burnt guns dead horses & I saw one mans head sticking
out of the ground. Our picket line is out by the Bull Run battlefield. All the
boys are well, not one of them ailing a bit. I presume George has written home
to day but I dont know. I am feeling first rate and am glad we have left our
winter quarters. It is now near 9 P.M. & I am
going to bed so will close. We have got no mail or
sent any since we
left camp. I shall try & send this out tomorrow. Good night. Love to Father
Mother Grandmother & all inquiring friends.
As Ever
Your Aff Brother Joseph Spafford