Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford
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Miss M. J. Spafford
Upper FallsVermont
BrattleboroOct 24th 9 P.M.Dear Sister,
I recd the gloves & letter all right. I could not go home again but went to
W- last night as George probably told you. I recd a dispatch from him to night
saying that he was going with this Regt. Dr. P is very much pleased. I have
taken off my best straps to give him as they are just what he wants and are not
as good for me as the pair that cost 1.50 or 1.75. I recd my town bounty to day
($110.00) I send home $75.00 & the rest shall be obliged to keep as there
are a great many expences on the start. The Capt has gone down to the village to
night to
buy a mess chest with a small cooking establishment and
every thing that we want in that line, in it. That is going to cost us three $27
between us. If I get me a revolver there will be another bill &c. &c.
What I send home will do to pay Alfred & partly Harrison. I had of H- $57
& of Alfred $25. –
We are not going to get any pay here, but we got our
Commissions to day & they are dated Sept. 1st so by & bye when we are
paid I can send home more. You see there is nearly 2 mos. pay due me now. - I
shall expect to see Dr. Geo. in the morning & shall send
money by him. Or by Calista if I have no other chance. Calista Kate & Mary
H. are here to day. – I shall put the money in this letter & send it by some
one. – We leave at 1 o’clock tomorrow for Washington.
Prehaps it is the best thing for George to go. If he has good luck it is, & we have all got to trust to luck. The boys are all glad he is going, & really I think he will like it. I dont believe it will be harder for him than riding over W- hills night & day, tho’ I did’nt coax him into it he done as he pleased.
If you wish to write any thing to me before I can tell you where to direct you may direct to Washington & I am sure I shall get it. – Our Regt was mustered in to day before I got back from W- so I had to be mustered in alone. I shall take my commish along with me as that seems to be the proper way, if I loose it I can get another. I am in something of a hurry & will wrote no more to night. Love to all
Good night.
Your Aff. Brother Joseph Spafford