Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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My Dear Sister –

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I will just write a line to let you know how matters are going. –

I shall probarbly get around so as to be at home a week from next saturday, tho’ I cannot say for certain as I can get around so soon.

I will tell you my plans. My papers are making so that it is probarble I shall get them wednesday or thursday. Then it takes two days to get my pay even if I have good luck. I must go to W. after I get my papers and pass them into the office where they are paying off & the next day I can go & get my pay. At this calculation it will take it to the next saturday. (I may not get my papers as soon as I expect) Then I start monday (a

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week from tomorrow) I shall stop in N.Y. with Homer a day or two & then be off for Green bush. This will bring me around home about a week from next saturday. I think I can get around according to this plan, possibly not. It depends entirely upon when my papers are so I can have them. I presume I shall write you half a dozen times more before I leave here. I will write no more this time. Do not say a word in regard to my coming home as I do no wish people generally to know it. Write me as soon as you receive this.

As ever your affectionate

Rhodes started for home yesterday.

