Joseph Spafford to Homer White

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Miss M. J. Spafford
Upper FallsVermont


Camp Griffin Va.Wednesday Eve Feb 26th/62My Dear Sister & Mother –

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I will write this letter for both of you as you both always write me at the same time. The first thing I will say is this (and you will doubtless hear the same by the papers before you receive this) that we recd orders this afternoon to have three days rations cooked immediately, that they are now cooked and we all expect this “Grand Army of the Potomac” will move tomorrow. If it does you will hear of it by the papers before you receive this. It is muddy as ever and to night is raining very hard, which may make a change in

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the Programe, we cannot tell. If we do go none of us have any idea which way, or where, we are going. –

I recd your letters to night which were written last Sunday the 23d. I assure you that no letter I have recd from you since I left home has been more joyfully recd. The order to march, always brings a desire for letters from home before we go. I felt that way O how much after we recd marching orders at Brattleboro, but I got no letter the day we left. – If the move we anticipate tomorrow is not an extensively planned one, probably this hard rain will stop it but if on the contra it is to be much in connection

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with some other great move in another direction, it will have to be carried out I suppose. –

There is nothing particular more for news to write. Corp White is a little better, and some hopes are now entertained of his recovery, his brother Joseph arrived here day before yesterday and is now taking care of him. – George Frenchs father arrived here to night from Cavendish. – I will write no more to night as I have many things to do, so as to be ready if we should move. My love to everbody I ever knew. Write me soon, and direct as before. Good night. God bless you all, with much love I am your

Aff son & brotherJo.

