Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp Griffin Va.Sunday Dec 15th /61Dear Sister

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I recd your and mothers letter a day or two since and though I have nothing in particular to write, will send a line so you may know I am alive and well. I suppose before this time you have seen the Capt and heard all about us. Since he has been gone we have moved into a pine woods which we expect will be our winter quarters. The Col, Maj, Adjt and some others have got their log cabins built and are quite

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comfortable off. I have the Capts tent while he is gone so have a good place to sleep and plenty of bed cloths. I guess by the looks I had better taken a lead pencil as usual. To day if a warm pleasant day and the weather has been very fine for fortnight past. How is this war getting along? Are we gaining anything worth speaking of? I would like to get an oppinion from home. I would like to know fathers opinion. I saw Gust Tuttle yesterday. I was glad to see him, though if I had been in Cavendish I should not have cared much about it. To day I have been over to the 2d to see Dan. They are about a mile from us. – I want to know about our school, who is teaching &c,

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If I could get a furlough of course I would come home and make a visit, but a fellow can get a discharge as easy as he can a furlough. I wish I could be at home now a few week while George & Carrie B are there. How long are they going to stop? Give them my love and the same to Ellen. Fred Gay wrote me a long time ago but I have not answered it yet. Ask Carrie B if she belongs to the “Wide Awakes” now? I belong to that club but there is a little more reality to it here than there was in Springfield, and prehaps not quite as much pleasure. Tell Aunt B. that I will write her before long. What does the Capt say about life in Va? I sent three hard crackers, and two ball catridges

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To night is a warm summer night and the moon is at a full. I wish I could spend this evening in Greenbush but I dont allow myself to think of such things more than I can help. – I have never heard a word from Alg. I wonder he dont write I will send the piece of a cracker I spoke of in a paper tomorrow. I have never sent it. George Taylor was over here to day. He is well. I will write with a pencil for all using such poor ink again. I will close for this time but will try and write twice a week.

Good night. Give my love to all and accept much of the same from

Your Aff brotherJo.

