John Spafford to Joseph Spafford, Joseph Spafford to John Spafford

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[Oct 1861]

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We can’t hardly think you get your writing materials as cheap as you tell of. We heard by the Ludlow boys they had to pay .06 for stamps &c. I don’t know what the Ludlow boys write but I told you the truth in regard to the prices of writing materials if I ever spoke the truth in my life

Do you use Tobacco and where do you get it? And how much do you have to pay for it? I use a very little, hardly ever smoke, or chew. Not near as much as I did in Vt. It is only a little dearer than in Vt. Do the boys divid with their friends when they have a box? Yes Hyle gave his nearly all away the first night it came.

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How much did Smith have to pay on his box? I don’t know. When we send we must try & send something that will pay. What do you want most? I don’t realy know but will try and find out out before I send if I send at all. Have you got your dress coats? How do your stockings last? We have got our coats. My stockings last very well tho’ one pair of them needs a little darning Are you comfortably clothed Have you pockets in your clothes If not I can send you some to sew on. We have one pocket in our overcoats, two in our pants two in our dress coats. I have 3 in mine.

