Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M. J. SpaffordUpper FallsVermont


Camp HolbrookBrattleboro Vt.Sept. 20th 61Dear Sister

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I shall write you a line to day so that you will get it tomorrow if you should not come down. There is nothing new in particular to write. We are here still, and do not know anything more about going than we did the day we came, tho’ they tell us we are going tomorrow, but we have heard that same story for some time. They say we are going to be mustered into the service to day but I do

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not believe that either for it is now 3 o’clock P.M. and no signs of it yet. There is a great deal of ill feeling towards the Col. in the Regt. He got d__d to his face by a number of privates last night, and a great many men in a number of the Companies say they will never take the oath. The Guard house was full last night of men who had run the Guard some of our boys among the number. The Adjt. drew his revolver on one fellow who insulted him last night but concluded not to fire. I saw Jerome Spafford here to day. I will stop to write no more now but rest assured you will get a line from me saying we have gone as soon

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as we do go. I think now I shall see you before I go. you will either be down tomorrow – or Sunday unless you hear we are gone. Good bye. My love to all. Remember me to all the neighbors.

Your Brother J.

P.S. Shall you not go home with Lizzie?

